Since we all know that PDF files are one of the most-used file formats today, it only makes sense that the files we will be receiving are in PDF file format, right? So, we should know how to convert our PDF files into various types of file formats without compromising the quality of the original file. Luckily for us, there is one online converter tool that we know who would help us in our predicament.
Now, Enter PDF Bear. PDF Bear is a free web-based converter tool that is guaranteed to convert your files into whichever file format you want to convert them to. Whether you want to convert from PDF to JPG, PDF to Word, PDF to Excel, PDF to Spreadsheet. You name it, and PDF Bear has it. You also don’t have to worry about your files being compromised as they have installed a 258-Bit SSL encryption to ensure the safety of all your files.
So, here are three simple steps that you need to follow if you wish to convert all your files with PDF Bear. These steps are pretty easy to understand and are already simplified to make sure that even non-tech-savvy people wouldn’t encounter any problems when converting with PDF Bear.
Upload Your File
The first step in converting your files to your desired file format is just to upload your files into their system. One way you can do this by utilizing the drag-and-drop feature of the tool, and another would be the old and traditional way of clicking the select file button.
When you have selected the file you want to convert, choose which file format you want to convert your file into. Whether you want them converted into JPG, Excel, Word, Spreadsheet, HTML, you just have to select them and start the conversion process.
Conversion Process
The second step is all about the waiting game. You don’t have to do anything on this part. Don’t worry, and you don’t have to wait that long. PDF Bear is known for being a powerful online converter tool that is even able to handle files with great sizes. The process is only going to take a maximum of one minute regardless of the file size.
Even if PDF Bear is a free converter tool, you don’t have to watch a certain number of ads or encounter unwanted click baits. You just have to sit still and wait for the tool to do its magic. PDF Bear assures all of its users that their conversion process is faster than their competitors, making PDF Bear one of the best and most reliable converter tools on the internet.
Downloading and Saving the Converted PDF File
When the conversion process is complete, you can either save it on your device or your cloud storage such as Google Drive or Dropbox. Since PDF Bear is compatible with all sorts of devices, you can also save it on your tablet, smartphones, or laptops.
It is guaranteed by PDF Bear that you don’t have to do any reformatting since the converted file will retain everything before it was converted. You can also choose to edit or annotate your converted files with its editing tools. You should note that all downloadable links can only be downloaded for a limited amount of time. This is to assure you that no one else would be able to access your converted files without any authority from you.
Aren’t these steps easy to understand? Even if you don’t remember anything from this article guide, PDF Bear also has integrated their very own instructions to make it easier for all of you. PDF Bear is the easiest way of converting your files because they give you everything you need with simplified instructions.
