Banking apps are important and often necessary. The one you choose should have the most useful features possible. These are five of the features you should seek in such an app.
1. Mobile Check Cashing
Mobile check cashing is one of the most useful features you should seek when looking for the right mobile banking app. With mobile check cashing, you will never again have to take an inconvenient trip to the bank just to cash a check you receive. All you’ll need to do is take a picture of the front and back of the check with your mobile phone. Once you do that, you’ll choose which account to deposit it into, and the bank will take care of the rest. There will be no unnecessary gas wasted or time spent. Banking should be all about your convenience, and that feature will give you plenty of it.
2. Password Free Balance Checking
Another feature you should seek is a password-free balance check. New technology allows banking users to swipe to see their bank account balances without logging into their accounts. You may want to look for this feature in your banking app. It can save you time when you want to know when your paycheck or another important deposit will come to you.
3. Automatic Savings
You may also want to find an app that has an automatic savings feature. This feature will automatically put away a specified amount of money for you every week if you would like it to. It may also round your purchases up to the next dollar and transfer change so that you can build a nice nest egg over time.
4. External Money Transfers
You will also want to look for a banking app that lets you do internal and external money transfers. Your bank might have that feature on its mobile app. If not, you may have to find a standalone money transfer app that you can use to transfer funds to your family, friends, and businesses. A money transfer app such as Western Union will help you send funds to these people rapidly. Having access to such an app will make your life so much easier when you need to send funds to someone you love.
5. Fraud Alerts
Finally, your banking app should have fraud alerts embedded into it. A fraud alert might send you a text message or email if it notices some unusual activity on your debit card. It might also let you know if someone has been trying to get into your bank account. In some cases, a fraud alert feature will ask you to verify if you made a specific purchase. If the answer is no, the transaction will not process. It will process as usual if you answer yes to the question.
Start searching for a great banking app that has the features mentioned above. You’ll be a much happier banker if you can grab hold of such amazing features.