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5 Great SEO Tips to Help You Rank Higher


Think about how often you use search engines to find products and services. Why would your customers act any differently?

Search engines, notably Google, have revolutionized consumer behavior. Recent data shows that 88% of all Google users visit a local business within seven days of searching.

The data is clear, so where’s your search engine optimization strategy?

There’s no time to waste.  You need to hire professional SEO firm from Sydney to move your site up in the Google search results. Thankfully, there are fast SEO strategies you can implement now.

Discover five valuable SEO tips for any business.

  1. Craft a User Profile For SEO

SEO is short for “search engine optimization.” It covers several internet marketing techniques, many you’ll learn about in this article. Like any other marketing strategy, you must start the process with research.

In this case, you need to create a target user profile. This profile represents the ideal search engine user for your niche.

For example, suppose you run an online candy business. Your ideal profile wouldn’t be users searching for car parts.

Instead, your ideal users would be searching for the following:

If you were a local candy store, your target audience might search for a “candy store” along with their city.

These search phrases are called “keywords” in SEO.

  1. Research Relevant Keywords

Marketers optimize website elements, content, and ads with relevant keywords.

With the help of link building, promotion, and quality content, keyword-optimized websites climb quickly through the SERP ranks. SERP stands for “search engine results page.” You can use automated SEO tools to monitor your SERP positions and keyword opportunities.

Before you can start monitoring, you need to generate relevant keywords first.

What makes a keyword relevant?

Let’s go back to the online candy shop example. The keywords revolved around buying candy online specifically.

You’ll also notice words targeting wholesale candy online. Online candy companies cater to a lot of businesses, making them a B2B business themselves. B2B stands for business-to-business, while B2C refers to business-to-consumer.

Defining whether your business is B2B or B2C will help guide your keyword research.

For example, “best candy for moms” is an example of a B2C keyword. “Buy candy wholesale” is an example of a B2B keyword. This is a good thing to establish in your user profile.

There are several keyword tools you can use. Some of them are even free!

You can always start your research with a simple Google search. As you type, Google generates a list of suggested searches. Google algorithms use user intent to generate relevant suggestions.

Search suggestions are a great starting point for your keyword research. But there’s so much data. You need an automated tool that generates hundreds of keywords at once.

Keyword Research Tools

Google’s Keyword Planner is another free tool. You can generate unlimited keywords and view monthly search volume for each.

Other keyword tools go a step further and reveal the following data:

Keyword research tools help you focus on keywords with decent search volume, relevancy, and low ranking competition. Keywords with high difficulty scores require more backlinks to rank on the first page.

  1. Optimize Your Google Listing

You have a long, healthy list of keywords. Now, it’s time to beef up your Google presence.

If you already have a Google business listing, you can skip the setup part. But you may want to stick around for the optimization tips! Google listings are packed with easily overlooked features.

Have your business website, company phone number, and email handy. You’re going to need them to register and verify your Google listing.

Once verified, optimize your listing with the following data:

Google listings emphasize your digital footprint. When users search for your business, a large knowledge card will appear with your company’s details. Visitors can call your business directly from your listing, view hours, and so forth.

Google listings also generate Google reviews, maps, and directions to your business. Listings highlight reviews, so encourage your customers to leave testimonials.

Google displays a star rating for your business based on aggregated reviews from the web, not just Google reviews themselves. Therefore, customer service is viewed as an SEO strategy since high ratings get more clicks.

  1. SEO Tips For Your Website

Remember that awesome list of keywords you generated

Sprinkle your primary keywords throughout your Google listing description, but don’t stuff them. Keywords should read naturally in the content. The same rule applies to your website content.

Optimize the following website elements with your primary keywords:

These methods are known as on-page SEO.

Technical SEO involves more advanced SEO methods, like site audits, structured data, error pages, XML sitemaps, and more.

Website performance is another surprising SEO method. SEO and user experience are closely tied. You can’t have one without the other.

Put the following UX items on your SEO checklist:

Uptime and downtime are also crucial. Use an SEO tool to monitor your site for downtime issues and fix errors accordingly.

  1. Stay Updated With Industry Experts

SEO is not static. As algorithms change, so do SEO strategies.

You can discover helpful SEO methods from leading industry experts. Subscribing to newsletters is a great way to stay updated too.

You must stay informed if you plan on doing your own SEO. Experienced SEO marketers also know the latest strategies.

It’s easy to follow dated SEO information when you’re not reading the right sources.

Transform Your Search Presence

Don’t succumb to the last page in Google. Audit your site to see where you stand. Implement these easy SEO tips to improve your search ranking quickly.

Great SEO requires the latest knowledge. Stay updated by following the blog today.


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