Restaurants may specialize in ethnic cuisine or provide affordable meals. People eat at restaurants to enjoy a meal they don’t have to prepare.
While consuming food is one reason people go to restaurants, it isn’t the only purpose restaurants serve. Restaurants provide opportunities for interaction with friends and colleagues while enjoying a meal together. They provide the backdrop for birthday parties and anniversary celebrations. Whether your dream involves creating a unique menu or a social venue, you may be considering venue options for your new restaurant and wonder if you can use residential property. Let’s explore whether you can convert a residential property into a restaurant and some resources you’ll need to start your restaurant.
Zoning Classifications
Urban areas have zoning regulations that determine how people can use different properties. Many structures may be zoned as residential, commercial, agricultural, historical, or industrial properties. The zoning classification establishes limits for the property’s use. For example, people live in residential properties, while businesses operate from commercial properties. Zoning protects environmental areas and controls growth in areas without enough infrastructure to expand.
In some cases, properties receive a dual classification. You can convert properties classified as residential and commercial into a restaurant. Property owners can also apply to have the residential property rezoned or obtain a variance. Variances are permits, and although they don’t change the property’s zoning classification, they allow property owners to use their property in different ways.
Finding a Property
Perhaps you already own a house you want to turn into a restaurant. In that case, you’ll need to apply for a new zoning classification or a variance. However, if you haven’t purchased a property yet, you can discuss your needs with your real estate agent.
Work with a real estate agency specializing in mountain homes to find a mountain home you can turn into a restaurant. Realtors are familiar with the zoning ordinances and can verify the zoning classification before showing you properties. Perhaps you’re looking for the largest homes available with beautiful mountain views. Maybe you want a house with a full kitchen that can expand into a commercial kitchen or mountain home with wide-open spaces you can use as a dining area. Your realtor will identify properties that meet your needs and show you suitable properties. Once you find the right property, your realtor will negotiate the purchase on your behalf.
Consult an attorney if the property’s zoned residential. Real estate attorneys can evaluate the property and offer legal counsel, ensuring you invest in property you can turn into a restaurant.
Restaurant Resources
Restaurant equipment supply companies provide essential items you’ll need for your restaurant, including freezers, refrigerators, prep tables, mixers, deep fryers, dishwashers, and ice makers. Locate the best supplier of restaurant equipment Orange County has to offer and create an account. Instead of purchasing equipment for your restaurant’s kitchen, you can lease the equipment you need. Leasing fees are tax-deductible, making this an affordable way to access the equipment you need for a commercial kitchen.
Work with an interior designer to develop a design plan for your restaurant. Everything from the flooring to the lighting, wall colors, and furnishings contribute to your restaurant’s atmosphere, and patrons are more likely to return if they like your restaurant’s ambiance.
Unless you’re a chef opening a restaurant, you’ll need to hire a chef to lead your culinary team. Your chef can help customize the menu. Research local restaurants to ensure your restaurant has a distinct theme and culinary focus. Identifying your ideal patrons will help you customize a menu suited to their budget, and distinguishing your restaurant from competitors can help you attract interest. You’ll also want to promote your grand opening with a marketing team.
Zoning regulations determine how you can use different properties. Residential properties with dual classifications or variances can be turned into restaurants.