Cyber security is more crucial today than ever before. Last year, Australia experienced complex state-based cyberattacks, while many of the country’s largest companies are targets of daily hack attacks. The various solutions companies can employ include cyber security services. These services can help protect your company’s resources, including data, websites, and finances. It’s critical to know some of the most common kinds of cyberattacks:
DoS/DDoS Attacks
These are denial-of-service and distributed denial-of-service attacks. In the case of DoS attacks, a system’s resources become overwhelmed, so it’s unable to respond to any service visitors.
Then there’s a DDoS attack, which also attacks a computer system’s resources. The difference is the cybercriminal uses malicious software (malware) to attack a system using a large number of host machines.
These attacks can provide indirect benefits for the attackers. For example, it can provide other companies with a competitive edge. The digital attacks can also cause a company’s system to go offline to launch another hack attack type.
Your company can take various steps to help prevent DDoS attacks.
Password Attacks
This type is an ultra-common one of cyberattack. There are various ways cybercriminals can collect passwords, such as finding unencrypted passwords, accessing a person’s password database, or only guessing. The guesses can be random or systematic. Another method is to search a person’s desk area to find account passwords.
Phishing Attacks
This involves the victim receiving an email that seems to originate from a trusted source. The goal is to collect personal info or trick users into taking action.
There are different ways that criminals carry out phishing attacks. They include fake links to websites that cause you to download malware, or email that loads malware on your computer. The cybercriminals might also trick you into providing personal information.
A related type of cyberattack is known as “spear phishing.” The main difference is it’s an ultra-targeted type of phishing. It involves attackers creating personal messages after conducting research. This makes spear phishing more difficult to detect and protect against compared to standard phishing.
In order to avoid all phishing, it’s important to take steps like not opening an email if you don’t recognize the sender’s address. In fact, the email addresses are often similar to ones of companies you’ve bought from or people you know.
You should also check URLs carefully before you click on a link. You can use your computer’s mouse to hover over the link to see what the destination address is. If it doesn’t look familiar, then simply don’t click on it.
Malicious software Attacks
This is also known as malware and is among the most common varieties of cyberattacks. It causes unwanted software to be installed on your computer system without your permission. Malware can be difficult to detect because it’s attached to legitimate code, hidden in useful applications, and duplicated over the web. There are various types of malware.
Industry experts report that Australia saw a surge in botnets during 2020. These are millions of malware-infected systems. Hackers control botnets or “zombie systems” to perform DDoS attacks.
The attacks are performed against target systems. This often involves overwhelming the bandwidth and processing capabilities of a target system. It’s difficult to track DDoS attacks since botnets are found in different geographical locations.
Today, cyberattacks have become more common and complex. The good news is you can avail of cyber security services to help defend your digital systems from attacks like malware, phishing, and DDoS attacks.