The analysis and description of the production, distribution and consumption of scarce goods and services are the fundamental emphases of economics. Because it tries to explain the behaviour of individuals, groups, and organizations, economics is considered a social science. Unlike many other social sciences, however, economics is primarily reliant on arithmetic and statistics.
Macroeconomics is a discipline of economics that investigates an economy’s overall behaviour, performance, and state. It is an all-encompassing notion. Microeconomic issues are also included in macroeconomics. When designing economic plans and annual budgets, all of these variables are taken into account.
Macroeconomics makes up roughly 50 to 60 percent of the Economics curriculum in Class 12, and this section demands a lot of practice and review. Students who are about to take their board examinations can use solved question-answers from reputable solution books.
The CBSE Class 12 Economics syllabus is comprehensive and covers all elements of the subject. Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are the two primary aspects of this subject presented in Class 12.
Sandeep Garg Solutions Macroeconomics Class 12 is an excellent resource for students who want to improve their grades.
Preparation strategies for CBSE Class 12th Economics
- Begin planning as soon as possible.
After the New Academic Year begins, you should begin your exam preparation as soon as feasible. So that you can thoroughly develop your notions and thoroughly review the entire Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE 12th Syllabus before the main examination.
- Understand the entire syllabus as well as the exam pattern.
To prepare adequately for the CBSE board exam, you should be aware of the most recent CBSE Class 12 Syllabus and Exam Pattern. By determining the most recent grading scheme and weightage, you may quickly analyse individual chapters in a more thorough manner.
We recommend that you focus on the chapters that will have the most questions on the exam, as this will help you increase your score. Make a list of things that you are familiar with or that you find simple, and then separate the topics that you find difficult. Make sure you devote more time to the difficult topics and less time to the easier ones in your study schedule.
- Keep your Class 12 Study Materials close at hand.
We discovered in the CBSE Class 12 Preparation Tips that students need enough study resources to properly prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Exam. Make sure you’re studying from the correct NCERT Books for Class 12.
Sandeep Garg Macroeconomics Class 12 Solutions is an excellent resource for those who want to improve their grades.
There are 12 chapters in Sandeep Garg Macroeconomics. Various macroeconomic concepts and mechanisms are covered in these chapters. This allows students to study and practice exercise questions whenever they choose.
- Make Chapter-by-Chapter Revision Notes & More Problems to Solve
Separate notebooks should be kept for theorems, equations, and techniques. After you’ve finished each topic, you should summarize the various chapters and make a note. It will assist you in comprehending the chapter’s theme during revision. This will also make it easier for you to read and review concepts quickly.
After finishing a chapter, you should try to answer issues on your own for the first time. Make an effort to answer more exercise questions on your own. If you’re having trouble answering the question, consult the solution or talk to your teacher about it.
- Take frequent breaks and maintain a calm demeanour.
Between study sessions, you should take appropriate breaks. Your mind will become exhausted if you do not take sufficient rest, and your study efficiency will suffer as a result.
Taking a 10-15 minute break every hour or two hours after you’ve finished studying will help you rejuvenate and relax.
You should maintain your composure and relax. You should undertake simple exercises and meditation on a daily basis to achieve this.
- Solve Economics Question Papers
After you’ve finished the study, it’s a good idea to psychologically prepare for the exam. The more you practice and answer practice questions, the more confident you will get. You’ll also get a sense of the question type and your present level of preparedness.
Previous year’s question papers will assist you in understanding the most important and common topics. You can get a good notion of the variations in question type in economics disciplines over time by looking at prior year’s papers.
- Some More Preparation Tips for CBSE Class 12 Economics (Commerce)
- Cramming a topic like economics is really difficult. As a result, it is good if you take notes, attend lectures, and actively study to improve your economic vocabulary by learning the definitions and meanings of various economic terms, as well as participating in a conversation to determine whether or not something makes sense.
Before attending a class, attempt to skim over the chapter to get a sense of the subjects that will be covered.
- Solve sample question papers to gain experience with problems that need a variety of problem-solving techniques. The more you practice, the better you’ll understand problem-solving skills and are able to perform well on your Class 12 board exams.
- Create a structure of topics that you want to cover in the answer before you attempt long-answer questions on the exam. To write the points, use the rough area on your answer page. Then, utilizing the reference points, write a detailed response.
- Timed mock tests might help you learn how to manage your time successfully throughout exams. For the mock tests, you can use papers from prior years. Use model solutions from past years’ papers for self-evaluation.
- Try to figure out what a particular situation requires. Discuss the information required to respond to it. Know what you’re searching for (for example, how much should the company produce), where to seek it (look for the intersection of MR and MC), and other criteria that will help you get the best result.
- Consider what you’ve read and ask yourself some questions.
- Make an effort to understand the various economic models. Look for the model figures and read the captions. If you’re having trouble grasping the concept, look for the section of the text that explains the model using an example.