Though more than 26 million people have taken some form of ancestry tests, many still have questions about where they came from. If this describes you, you’re in luck- being a family tree finder is easier than it sounds!
Here, we’re going to talk about some of the ways that you can get more information on your family history. Read on to start figuring out where you came from and getting in touch with your roots.
Check Your Family’s Documents
Most families have documents where all generations record the names of their parents, spouses, and children. These records can usually be found in a family Bible or notepad and can stem back for many generations. Take a look at old documents that span back centuries and you’ll likely find out some interesting information.
If you’re unsure of where to start looking, ask an older person in your family for direction. Grandparents or senior parents likely have done a bit of their own research and will be happy to offer insight.
Look at Free Genealogical Databases
There are a huge number of free genealogical databases online that contain information about most families. Even if this information is limited, it gives you somewhere to begin when it comes to digital research. Some of the top free databases are,, and the US GenWeb Project.
If you’re willing to put out a little cash, is also a site that many people have found success with. This subscription-based service allows you to browse many generations of your family and see what famous people you’re related to, which is pretty cool.
Use a DNA Test Kit
DNA test kits are becoming more and more common in recent years. You can purchase these kits online, send in a sample of your DNA (usually a swab of your cheek tissue), and get many records on your ancestry.
This method also will give you access to all of the nationalities that your DNA relates to and the occupations that those before you held. Pretty cool, if we do say so!
Keep Organized Records of Findings
It’s likely that you’ll need to glean information from multiple sources for a comprehensive family history. You’ll want to keep records of the things that you learn to ensure that you don’t forget generations or lose findings.
To record the things you find out, you can use a free family tree maker on any computer. These can be saved to the Cloud and accessed on any device, meaning that you can edit your tree whenever you gain access to new information.
Be a Family Tree Finder Extraordinaire
Now that you know how to be a family tree finder, it’s time to ensure that the people who will come below you on it are well-off with tree trimming service. Check out the ‘finance’ tab on our home page to get some information on saving money for posterity. Here, you’ll find articles about how to make money and save it for the things that matter most, so start browsing ASAP!