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The ‘Great Depths’: 14 Best Collections Of Cool Facts About Honduras

Packed with incomparable beauty and jaw-dropping travel destination spots, Honduras is considered as the second-largest country in Central America. Not to mention its best tropical weather and friendly natives, making the country worth visiting for. If you want to know more about this eye-widening place, check out these top collections of facts. 

Tegucigalpa: The Country’s Capital

This is one of the essential Honduras facts you should know. Tegucigalpa, or also known as Tegus, is the capital place of Honduras. Tegus is a simple short term for Tegucigalpa’s formal legal name, Municipality of the Central District. Their official language is Spanish.

Discovered By Christopher Columbus

It was Christopher Columbus who discovered this remarkable place. When he landed at the site, the first words that came to his mouth were: “Thank God, we got out these great depths.” Thus, the country’s name is an original Spanish term for “Great Depths.” 

Honduras Has Been Referred As A Banana Republic

Honduras is considered the Banana Republic because the capitalist class dominates the economy’s primary aspect by exploiting labor. The word banana republic is a derogatory term descriptor of a servile dictatorship that promotes large-scale plantation agriculture exploitation.

Holds The World’s Highest Rate For Murder

Sadly, Honduras holds the highest murder rate in the entire world. Compared to other nations, Honduras is one of the most dangerous places on earth, with a violent crime rate of 44.7 per 100,000 recorded in 2019, so about 13 people are being murdered almost every day. A fact that can create goosebumps.

Their Flag Contains Stars And Stripes

The flag of Honduras comprises a single strip of white between two stripes of blue.  These colors and representations give importance to the Honduras flag as an emblem of the country and its unique cultural identity.

A Home For Various Venomous Snakes

The country is widely known for being a home for various venomous snakes such as the Middle American Rattlesnake and the Green Palm Pit Viper. Most of these deadly snakes belong to the pit viper family. Thus, when you go hiking on mountains or jungles, you should be extra careful. Tourist guides will advise you to wear boots and long pants. 

Honduran Lempira: The Currency In Honduras

Honduran Lempira is the country’s currency. The name was derived from an Indian chief who battled against Spain’s army in the 1500s. Unable to succeed against the Indians, the  Spaniards have used deviousness. They requested Lempira to do so under truce. 

National Flower: Orchid

The national flower of Honduras is Orchid, also known as Rhyncholaelia Digbyana. Orchid replaced their rose in 1969. For them, the rose does not belong to the native of Honduras regarding how it represents their country. Hence, the National Congress agreed to replace Rose and to nominate Orchid their national symbol.

National Bird: Scarlet Macaw

With its recognizable red, blue and yellow feathers, Scarlet Macaw is the national bird of Honduras. It occupied forests from northern Central America to the southern Amazon. Unfortunately, its population has decreased chiefly because of poaching. They are widely regarded as sacred. 

The First Country That Banned Smoking Inside Houses

Honduras is the first-ever country in the entire world that banned smoking inside houses. They also made a law that smokers should keep two meter-distance from non-smokers. This anti-smoking policy is so stringent that even family members will call the authorities if they object. The legislation forbids explicit smoking in schools, gas stations, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, or even cultural centers.

Highest Mountain: Cerro Las Minas

Cerro Las Minas is Honduras’ highest mountain. That is probably one reason travel enthusiasts wish to visit the place. It is a relatively isolated department of Lempira in the western region of the country. It also reveals Honduras’ highest point, the Celaque Mountain, at 2849 meters.

Celebrated Independence Day Early In The Morning

On September 15, people in Honduras celebrated their Independence Day early in the morning. The celebration includes marching bands and Fiesta Catracha, where folks will gather to share their traditional meal. 

Celebrated The Children’s Day

To recognize the important rule of children in their community, people of Honduras regularly celebrated the Children’s Day fall on September 10. This is where children received various presents and recognition. 

Suffered From Hurricane Mitch

In October 1998, Hurricane Mitch ravaged Central America; and 15,000 people had died, and it left over a million homeless in Honduras. The hurricane was regarded as the second deadliest Atlantic calamity that had been recorded in history. 

Final Thoughts

We all have our own dream destination spots on our bucket list. This makes life more fulfilling. Whichever that place is, know their norms and etiquettes before visiting the site. This is one of the essential rules as a travel enthusiast. If you wish to travel to Honduras, the facts above will surely help.  

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