There are many times where you would need to delete a page from your pdf file due to some reasons. It can be because there is a mistake on that page, or it may be that you just made an extra page on the document that you have made. If ever you are stuck in this dilemma, you’re in luck! GoGoPDF is here to assist you further and make things easier.
Everyone knows that it is a great hassle to remove a particular page from your pdf file. It can be a challenging and lengthy process. No matter what you do, you can not avoid doing this. But that’s alright! GoGoPDF has a specific tool to do that for you. Here are some steps and some essential features on deleting a pdf document on the website called GoGoPDF.
Simple Steps On How To Delete A PDF Document Easily
To delete pages from PDF, you only need to follow these simple steps, and within a few minutes, all your problems will be deleted! But before going to this website, you must have your document ready with you not to waste any more time. Though deleting will only take a few minutes, it would not hurt to be prepared immediately.
Suppose you have all those documents or files with you already. In that case, the first thing that you need to do is get that specific file or document that you wanted to delete from your computer, upload, and drag those files on the box provided (You can see that box immediately as soon as you open it). You are done with the first step in deleting your pdf.
Once you have already done all of those things and dragged that specific document on the toolbox, all you need to do next is to choose and pick the particular pages you wanted to delete. It doesn’t matter how many pages you choose; there are no limitations. You can select whatever page you want to delete, and GoGoPDF is glad to do that for you.
Once you have chosen all the pages that you wanted to delete, the third step that you needed to do is wait for a few minutes for GoGoPDF to process everything for you and once done, you will notice immediately then save your newly created pages on the site so that you would be able to get that file or document as soon as you download it.
And the last thing you need to do is download that updated pdf page to your computer or device, and you are now good to go! You currently have a clean pdf file without any errors. You can also let your friends know about this and all the experiences you had with GoGoPDF, which would help them, and they would be grateful for that.
GoGoPDF Offers A Lot Of Multiple Features
With all those features, GoGoPDF is most proud of the fact that you would be able to use their website whenever and wherever you might be. You can also choose to remove a single page only or multiple pages in that said pdf document. And once you have uploaded your form, you can also zoom in and out of the file to make deleting easier.
Different Browser And Platform Compatibility
GoGoPDF is a user-friendly website not only because you would be able to use their website anywhere, but you can also use this website no matter what operating system or browser you could be using. It can be either Mac, Windows, Linux operating systems, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Opera. It’s your choice on what you’d use.
No Limitations Regarding File Size
One of the best things about GoGoPDF and all its tools is that it does not matter how big the size of your document is. There are no size limits when it comes to uploading and deleting a page that you wanted to. You would still be able to do that even if that page reaches more than 1GB (which is an impossible size considering that it’s just a file).
Data Privacy Is a Priority
In this generation powered by technology, life is a lot easier. It is also more comfortable for all the people who want to do bad things like fraud or personal hacking information online. That is why they made this a priority so that customers would be at ease using their site. They have a one-hour time frame before all uploaded files will be deleted.
Deleting a specific page from a pdf document is not an easy task. Many people are still having problems doing so, but with GoGoPDF, you would quickly do this and fast. So if ever you find someone having trouble deleting a page, refer GoGoPDF to them to make their lives a lot easier. You can even be their saviour, and they would owe you.