Each student is eligible to give competitive exams after clearing the Class 10 and Class 12 Board Examinations. The competition between the students has been increasing for years. As the studies are getting advanced and the competition among students is gradually rising, each parent wants his child to top the exam to get better jobs. Because of this, the competition among sub-junior level students has also developed.
Class 5 students enter the junior level after getting good marks in the exam of Class 5. It is easy to prepare for other subjects’ exams. But for some of the students, it becomes difficult to prepare for the Maths Examination. They require the right strategy or study plan for studying Class 5 Maths.
Students will be benefitted by reading this article, as it will provide easy and amazing preparation tips and tricks to score 90% in Class 5 Maths.
- Class 5 Maths Curriculum.
The CBSE has prescribed the NCERT Books Class 5 Maths for the students so that they can easily prepare for their Maths Examination. The chapters included in this book are given below:
- Chapter 1 – The Fish Table
- Chapter 2 – Shapes and Angles
- Chapter 3 –How Many Squares
- Chapter 4 – Parts and Wholes
- Chapter 5 –Does It Look The Same
- Chapter 6 –Be My Multiple, I’ll Be Your Factor
- Chapter 7 –Can You See The Pattern
- Chapter 8 – Mapping Your Way
- Chapter 9 –Boxes and Sketches
- Chapter 10 –Tenths and Hundredths
- Chapter 11 –Area and its Boundary
- Chapter 12 –Smart Charts
- Chapter 13 –Ways To Multiply and Divide
- Chapter 14 –How Big How Heavy
Students gave to read and understand these lessons to solve questions in the examination.
- Educational Materials.
Sometimes students are in confusion about where they should study from. They are advised to stick to the Maths NCERT book of Class 5 Maths as it is recommended by the CBSE. Also, the content in this book is written in a simple dialect so that pupils can easily comprehend the theories. They should solve the NCERT questions and the worksheets given by the teacher to grasp the concepts in a better way.
- Doubts And Concepts Clearing.
When students will start with their studies, they will get to know about their weak points. They should focus on their weaknesses to understand the chapter. They should clarify them on time so that they do not face any problems at the time of the examination. Pupils should ask for their teacher’s help in clarifying their doubts.
- A Good Timetable.
As sub-junior students do not take their studies seriously and always want time to play, they should make a schedule so that they can focus on their studies. This will assist them in managing and using their time effectively. By making a timetable, they can get time to study for their exams and for playing. In their timetable, they should allot at least 2 hours for studying Mathematics subject.
- Practice Makes A Man Perfect.
After getting the comprehensive knowledge, students should try to solve sample papers or previous years’ question papers to get a hint about the types of questions frequently asked in the exam. Practicing more and more questions will enable students to write answers to every question. Parents can take tests of their children to know how much they have grabbed the things.
- Significant Formulas And Notes.
Students should make different or separate registers for important formulas or points. At the time of revision, these notes will help them. By learning these formulas and theories, they can boost their confidence in solving the questions in the exam.
- Ways For Attempting The Question Paper.
When the question paper is distributed, students should read it carefully. They should start solving those questions whose answers they know very well. The most important thing to keep in mind while attempting the questions is to maintain the order of the questions and the answer sheet. Pupils should avert overwriting.
- Improvement In Speed.
It is seen that small children write and solve questions very slowly. This disadvantage can affect their results. They should work on this flaw so that they can finish the exam paper on time. If they solve questions slowly, then there can be chances that they should not be able to complete the paper before the allotted time. They can increase their speed by developing the habit of writing. For this, they can take the help of their teachers and parents by asking them to give more practice questions.
- Accurately Write The Solutions.
The accuracy is very important at the time of the examination. Answering the question incorrectly does not benefit any student. While doing the questions of addition and subtraction, students should carefully see the signs and then try to solve them. They should write answers only if they are sure about it.
- Using The Technology.
Some students are not able to answer all the NCERT questions. They can get these solutions over the internet. They can use the technology for getting the PDF files of the NCERT Solutions for all the chapters. Besides this, they can also find other study materials like important questions, revision notes, etc on different websites. By this, they can save money and time by not going to markets to buy reference books.
- Distraction Cause Destruction.
Nowadays, small children are so indulged in using smart phones they avoid their studies. They always used to play games on their parents’ phones. They have to stop using the mobile phone if they want to score 90% in Class 5 Maths. They should avoid using social media like WhatsApp or Facebook and should reduce their time playing games on phones.
- The Next Day Is The Examination Day.
The night before the exam is very crucial. Students should try to remain calm and relaxed. They must revise all the formulas so that they do not forget them. They should keep all the stuff ready that they need for the examination. They should take proper sleep so that they do not feel sleepy while giving the paper.