Civil Engineering is one of the most popular fields in the world today. Often, it is confused with architecture and other designing courses. However, as similar as they seem, they have converging and diverging points. When it comes to civil engineering, the major things that pop up in mind relates to the construction of a building, roads, bridges, etc. today, due to the increased number of aspirants to gain knowledge in the civil engineering field, there are many civil engineering colleges in major countries of the world. To know more about the civil engineering college, continue reading…
What is Civil Engineering?
Civil engineering is a field of engineering that deals with constructing bridges, roads, and other infrastructures. Civil engineering’s need began due to humans’ expansion and development, which warranted the migration from one community to another. This also led to the need to create social amenities to aid the daily affairs of humans. As a result of this, some experts will be needed while constructing these social amenities. These experts today are known as Civil Engineers.
The knowledge of civil engineering has been in existence for many centuries. A reminisce on the Giza Pyramids, Roman Empire, China’s wall, and many more have not seized amazing many till today. So, the concept of civil engineering covers the whole process of building, including designing and construction. Asides from this, civil engineers are essential in every practice area as it is a vast field.
On the issue of civil engineering relation with other fields such as architecture, surveying, etc., civil engineers, before settling for construction work with a team of other professionals to create designs and take suggestions. These courses are closely related and interwoven. However, they have specific areas of concentration.
What are the Branches of Civil Engineering?
Civil engineering is a diverse field; hence, there are different branches for professionals in the field. Here are some of the types of civil engineering:
Structural Engineering
Structural engineering covers areas involved in the structural design of the building. As the name implies, structural engineers concentrate more on designing and maintaining a building’s structures. They calculate the loads’ impact on the building, ensuring the heavy loads meet the building’s standard to avoid collapse.
Environmental Civil Engineering
Environmental engineering is civil engineering that works on the effect of environmental factors on the building. These experts survey the ground and check the futuristic implications environmental factors may have on the constructions.
Geotechnical Engineering
The geotechnical engineers are equipped with the skills to assess the soil before construction. These skills are eventually utilized when constructing a gutter, pavement, dams, tunnels, etc. They take time to understand the soil strength, weakness, ability to withstand other environmental pressures, and saturation.
Water Engineering
Water engineering is similar to the duties of environmental engineering. These two fields have relevant skills in understanding the impact of the environment, factors on the construction, and how to prevent excessive damage to the finished work. However, water engineers have more specialized skills in constructing water treatment and distribution channels, etc., which are all formulated to give individuals access to clean and healthy water.
Why study Civil Engineering?
With most civil engineering colleges in the world today, one may wonder why it is necessary to study the course. To answer this question, here are some reasons why civil engineering is a good course:
The study of civil engineering gives the expert access to contribute to the various ways in sharpening and beautifying the world. Since civil engineers are concerned with the design and construction of massive edifices and road networks, they play a major part in building the awesome finishing that surprises all. As a civil engineer, there is also an opportunity to give back to society by constructing water and road systems for the less privileged. This contributes to putting wide smiles on other peoples’ faces.
To become a good civil engineer, the individual must be enrolled in one of the world’s best civil engineering colleges. Through this, the other natural skills and talents possessed by the individual make expertise rise in a short while.