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Understanding Who Is Eligible for Camp Lejeune Service Members’ Disability Benefits

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For the last four decades, polluted drinking water at North Carolina’s marine base has put hundreds of individuals at risk for cancer and other illnesses. Two of the eight wells at the Camp were contaminated with dangerous chemicals causing cancer.

The Camp Lejeune service members’ disability benefits are an essential resource for those who served at Camp Lejeune.

Additionally, they must have developed a disease or injury directly linked to their service at Camp Lejeune. Speaking to a lawyer will give you a clear idea about who is eligible for the Camp Lejeune Contamination lawsuit, service members’ eligibility requirements, the required documentation, and the benefits veterans with disabilities get.

In this article, we will review the types of disabilities that are eligible for compensation and the associated benefits. By understanding the criteria and the process, you can ensure that you receive the full benefits to which you are entitled.

Eligibility Requirements

Veterans must meet specific criteria to be eligible for Camp Lejeune Service Members’ Disability Benefits. Some of these requirements include the following:

Veterans who were on active duty between 1953 and 1987.

There needs to be more clarity surrounding when the exposure occurred.

The veterans who believe they were prone to the polluted water may have had it happen at any point during this time.

Those veterans diagnosed with certain conditions may also be eligible if their disability was caused by toxic exposure.

However, as mentioned earlier, veterans stationed at the Camp Lejeune Marine base – Old-timers who were stationed at Camp Lejeune but did not serve during one of the times are not eligible for these benefits.

Required Documentation

Veterans applying for Camp Lejeune Service Members’ Disability Benefits must make sure they have the following documentation:

Service records include documents about service dates, rank, and job description.

Health records include any medical records regarding the illness or condition.

Family health records include the medical records of veterans’ spouses and children.

Toxic substances exposure records – They must have evidence of exposure to the polluted water at the Camp.

Benefits for Veterans with Disabilities

Veterans with disability are eligible to receive monthly financial benefits. The amount of this award will depend on the veteran’s disability rating and the time the veteran served at the Camp.

Those disabled from exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune may be eligible for a higher monthly rate than others. Veterans who have been diagnosed with one of the following conditions may be eligible to collect a higher benefit:

Kidney Cancer, Lung Cancer, Liver Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Brain Cancer, Leukemia, Mesothelioma, Parkinson’s Disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), and Diabetes.


Justice Act of the Camp enables veterans and family members who have suffered from Camp Lejeune water pollution to seek payment by filing Camp Lejeune water lawsuits. Veterans who match this specification are eligible for a free, no-obligation case evaluation with an attorney handling national Camp Lejeune water lawsuits. Lawyers handling Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuits work on uncertainty, meaning you will only pay legal fees if they win payment for you.



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