Texting is one of the common ways to communicate and is considered the most secret. Someone may get confused about what language is used while writing. As the opposite partner would not be able to read the expression or body language it is necessary to clearly say how you are feeling so it may get lost in translation. When you have started chatting with anyone from a Punjabi matrimonial sites it is essential to get control of your words and read twice before sending anything, as every single word is going to make your identity. A few changes in your message may avoid confusion and could also.
- Mark your feelings: being honest about your feelings during chatting is necessary as your partner didn’t get confused. Rather than hiding how you are feeling from the other person, do not be afraid to come right out. Take a minute to reflect on your emotions so you may accurately tell the person you are chatting with. To show that you are happy you need to say things like “I am excited, or it makes me feel happy!”
- Say what you feel: if you answer in just a single word on how you are feeling, it doesn’t give a lot for the other people to continue the conversation. It may take a bit longer to figure out what is making you feel the way but try your best to find the cause this also works for the profile selected from Haryana marriage bureau. For example: if you are upset about a bad day at work, try to address it “it has been a long and hectic work day, and I am feeling a little grumpy.”
- Longer description for your emotions: stating something like” I’m fine,” leaves a lot of mystery about how you are feeling. One needs to go into a little in detail about the feelings so the person you are texting never assumes the wrong idea.
- Use correct punctuation: it is okay to use periods on long sentences, but leave it off of shorter one-word texts as it may make the message sound negative. If you want to show you are excited or passionate about something, try an exclamation point instead. Everybody has a different texting style, so read through the other texts to get an idea of how the person uses punctuation. Adding things like ‘okay’ or ’OMG’ may sound a little harsh though the latter might sound more dismissive. Be careful while ending any sentence with exclamation points so you do not overuse them.
- Add emojis: if your text could be taken a few separate ways, try to pass emoticons whenever required in the messages. There are numerous emojis to select from, so just find one that matches your mood to use.
- Highlight the words: pick any words to focus on by capitalizing every word may seem like you are yelling. The word you select depends on what you are texting, but try to opt that matches the mood which you are trying to capture. If you wanted to show your excitement with terms like, ‘OMG YAY!’