An unfortunate slip-and-fall accident can leave you with serious injuries, trauma, and stress. If the accident happened because the premise owner was negligent, you have the right to ask for compensation. The compensation will cover for your medical costs and other losses you may have suffered. Besides looking for medical help, you need to consider hiring an Atlanta personal injury attorney. In this post, we are sharing more on what to do after a slip-and-fall accident.
- Get medical help. Even if your injuries don’t seem severe, or you have minor symptoms like muscle pain and headache, see a doctor. If you wish to file a lawsuit against the premise owner, you have to prove that you were injured and have suffered losses. Medical reports and documentation are crucial evidence for your case.
- Inform the premise owner. No matter whether the slip-and-fall accident happened in a mall or a sidewalk, you have to inform someone in charge. This may refer to the landlord, property owner, or premise manager. Make sure that you have a copy if yur report.
- Take details. At the accident scene, you need to collect as much evidence as possible. From names and details of witnesses to photographic evidence, video footage, and other evidence, get all that you can.
- Don’t give a statement. You may want to keep your slip-and-fall accident a private matter. Besides informing the right people, stay away from social media when it comes to details. Also, the insurance claims adjuster may ask for a statement, which you should avoid, until you have hired a lawyer. Do not accept blame either.
- Book an appointment with your lawyer. There are many law firms in Atlanta that take up slip-and-fall accidents on a regular basis. Ensure that you meet an attorney before anything else. Insurance companies will eventually want to reduce the settlements they pay for claims, so without an attorney, you may end up accepting whatever is being offered.
There is limited time to bring a personal injury lawsuit after a slip-and-fall accident. In Georgia, the statute of limitations only allows two years for such lawsuits, so you need to act early. Also, make sure that your lawyer is working on a contingency basis, and the contingency fee for such cases vary between 25% and 40%. This depends on the experience of the lawyer and facts of the case.
Check online now to find more slip-and-fall accident attorneys in your area in Atlanta.