EDTA is a molecule known as a chelating agent. A chelating agent is something that can grab onto and stick to other molecules. Detoxamin is one example of this with its active ingredient, Calcium Disodium EDTA. Some types of EDTA will stick to calcium while others stick to different metals.
Why Do People Take EDTA?
EDTA, such as Detoxamin, can be prescribed by doctors to help clean toxic metals, like lead, from the blood. The molecule has been used for years now in order to teat heavy metal poisoning. In cases of this, it would be administrated through an IV. EDTA can also be an ingredient in some cancer fighting medicines. Over-the-counter forms of EDTA can be taken in order to help detox the body and help give you a healthier gastrointestinal tract. Some other people may use EDTA to treat heart disease, Alzheimer’s, peripheral vascular disease, and diabetes. There may be some evidence that shows that EDTA doesn’t work for these conditions. There isn’t a specific dose of EDTA usually taken since the quality and ingredients may vary so it can be hard to set a standard dose for any condition.
Is EDTA Natural?
EDTA is considered safe for use in foods in the U.S. and it can be added to beverages and foods to help with flavor and color. For example, it may be added to canned vegetables and fruits, condiments, salad dressings, and sodas.
Why Get Rid of Toxins?
A supplement such as Detoxamin has been used to get rid of toxins and there are a number of reasons to get rid of dangerous toxins in the body. Toxins can easily build up in the body because of all the exposure to what we eat, drink, breathe, and clean our homes with. Heavy metal toxins, such as mercury, lead, nickel, and arsenic, tend to accumulate in the body at a quicker rate than the body is able to excrete them. The exposure and accumulation of toxins in the body can damage your immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. They can even be harmful to your reproductive systems. Toxins can put you at a higher risk for serious degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, autoimmune disease, and many others.
Are There Risks with EDTA?
There are always risks when taking any kind of supplement. A serious side effect can be kidney damage. Other people have noticed some side effects such as anemia, fever, headache, fatigue, abnormal calcium levels in the blood, low blood pressure, or thirst. It’s important to let your doctor know about supplements you are taking, including natural ones, in case they may interact with medicines you are taking for other health conditions.