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Where is Your Career Headed?

You may get to a point in your career or have landed there now where you need a change.

In the event you own a startup, such a change can mean selling it and moving along to something else.

So, if you are looking to sell your startup, what steps must you take to better ensure a sale goes through?

Use Commonsense When Making a Big Change

As you prepare to move on from your business, you want to make sure you have all your ducks in a row and use commonsense.

The failure to line everything up and be smart about a sale can torpedo it before things even begin.

Keep in mind that any prospective buyers will want to know as much about your brand as possible.

One of the first things and key items they will want to know is your company’s financial health.

So, if you look to sell your business and clouds are hanging over it, you could be defeated before you even begin.

Take the time to go over your finances with a fine tooth comb.

You want to be aware of any notable debt. Such debt can be in the form of bad business deals, high credit card debt, issues with taxes and more.

If there are potential financial red flags, the best thing to do is clear them up if at all possible.

In the event you can’t, let prospective buyers know. You may be able to negotiate a selling price for your business. That is a little bit lower since any buyer would be taking on some debt.

It is also imperative that selling a business can mean the fate of employees is to be decided.

Since your workers have likely been loyal to you, do you all can to return that loyalty. This means being upfront with them on the potential sale.

Last, have the right sense of timing when looking to sell is key too.

For example, trying to sell a small business in an industry that has struggles can be next to impossible. Then again, some prospective buyer may see this as an opportunity. That would be to buy a small business at a discounted selling price.

Be smart and think everything through before you list your business as being for sale.

Deciding what the Next Big Move is

In moving along from your own business to either a startup you will own or going to corporate America, take time.

Yes, a change like this is not something to do in haste.

If going on to own another business, use the experiences from the company you most owned to help guide you.

Determine what worked well and also what maybe did not go as planned.

In the event you will go to the corporate side, will you be comfortable working for someone else?

While the pressure is on them to make the big decisions, you will also now have someone to answer to. As such, will you be fine with that?

Making a career change is a big thing for most people.

With that being the case; be sure you make a decision you can live with.

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