
Why is Plant-Based Protein Better Than Whey? 

Protein is deemed to be one of the most important parts of an athlete’s diet. It helps them rebuild and recover after long training sessions.  

For years, whey protein powder is being used by most athletes and bodybuilders. It is marketed as the fastest way to reach optimal performance and health.  

While most consumers think that protein only comes from meat and dairy, protein from vegetables is becoming popular with many fitness and sports enthusiasts. Taking vegan protein powder is the best way to harness this plant-based protein. Moreover, it has more advantages compared to its animal-based counterpart. 

How is plant protein produced? 

Little to no processing is needed to extract the protein from vegetables. Plant-based sources like nuts, beans, and oats grow with essential amino acids in them. On the other hand, tofu and nut butter need a little processing, but the process is way lesser than the process needed to produce whey protein. 

Meanwhile, whey comes from milk, which is removed in the process of creating cheese. It was first used as food for pigs, but bodybuilders and marketers found that it is cheap and rich in protein. During the process, whey is extracted from milk, heated, filtered, purified, and dried. Manufacturers add preservatives and sugar to produce whey protein powder. 

Plant protein is complete 

Most consumers opt for whey because it is a complete source of protein. It is believed that vegetable sources of protein need to join forces to get all the nine amino acids. On the other hand, animal products are known to have all those nine essential amino acids. 

However, it is found that quinoa, hemp, soy, sunflower, and chia protein are just some of the plants that have the complete plant proteins. It makes them as convenient as the animal-based protein when it comes to providing all the amino acids that your body needs. 

Plant protein has more nutrients 

The number of nutrients food can offer per calorie is referred to as nutrient density. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains are a few nutrient-dense foods. Some foods are deficient in nutrients but have tons of calories, just like junk foods. You need to consume nutrient-dense food to keep optimal health if you are a fitness or sports enthusiast. 

While whey is packed with protein, it lacks other nutrients. On the other hand, vegetable-based protein is packed with all the nutrients you need on top of protein. 

Plant protein is good for digestion 

Most of us suffer from different degrees of lactose intolerance. Since whey is from milk, it may cause problems for people with such conditions. Moreover, studies show that milk or milk product consumption increases the risk of heart disease and cancer due to the widespread use of antibiotics on livestock. 

On the contrary, plant-based protein has enzymes and fiber that help digestion. Ensure that your plant-based protein powder does not contain aspartame, acesulfame k, maltodextrin, or sucralose to avoid harmful additives. 

Overall, plant-based protein provides more benefits compared to animal-based protein. Vegan protein powder is the best alternative to whey protein powder, providing the same protein benefits plus more nutrients, removes all downsides at a comparable price.  

Plant-based protein is better in building muscles and aiding recovery compared to whey. Moreover, vegetable protein also improves your health, provides a wider range of essential nutrients, and is also better for the environment.