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Why You Need To Visit Medan

Medan is superbly home to Lake Toba, the largest volcanic lake in the entire world. While planning my trip there, the one thing on my mind was going to Toba’s clear blue waters. We touched down in Medan, a town on the cusp on modernization. You’ll see decaying colonial facades and street food sellers sitting directly beside modern cafes and bars. The real intrigue of Medan, however, lies away from its city.

Medan is not the hottest spot to see because simply nobody knows more about this area. Take a leap of faith. You will be amazed that Medan will provide you with intimate experiences with the Sumatra’s character. Here are remarkable reasons as to why you have to see Medan.

  1. It is home to the largest volcanic lake in the whole world

Lake Toba is your largest volcanic lake in the world. It’s also the place of a supervolcanic eruption that took place some 77,000 decades ago.

It is the biggest known explosive eruption in the past 25 million years. The Toba disaster is thought to have murdered most people living at the moment, inducing a 3-5 level worldwide reduction in temperature. Ash from Toba was found up to East Africa and the USA.

Having a background as striking as this, it is not surprising that Lake Toba is the best destination for vacationers visiting Medan. You will understand that there’s no hint of its devastating arrival, with clean blue water, which moves across an area bigger than the total of Singapore’s area.

  1. See the sunset on Lake Toba

In case you’ve got a tender place for sunrises and sunsets, set aside one day from the banks of Lake Toba. Talk to your driver to park outside the Sukarno House in Parapat. It delivers an increased view of this lake on the grounds of this beautiful colonial bungalow. If you are staying the night at Samosir, visit Tele, the highest point on the staircase.

  1. Walk the prior house of some Batak king

The native Batak people practiced cannibalism — generally as punishment for wrongdoers — until they discovered Christianity. Quit by Rumah Bolon, a well-preserved palace involved to the prior Simalungun Batak chiefs. The primary longhouse has been that of the king’s quarters and a harem because of his 22 wives. This site is an intriguing look into this Simalungun Batak culture.

Decorative buffalo skulls symbolize power, and motifs of geckos represent the adaptability of the Batak individuals. The speech of Rumah Bolon is inaccessible, but your neighborhood guide should be aware of the exact location. Situated near Parapat, it is easy to play a trip on the way to Berastagi. The admission fee is a mere S$0.30.

  1. Wander around Samosir Island

If time allows, take half an afternoon to explore Samosir Island in the center of Lake Toba. It is the home to the Toba Batak people, who are recognized for being gouged compared to their other Batak counterparts. Visit Tomok Village along with Ambarita Village, where remnants of the Toba Batak kingdom still stand.

You will require to take a ferry out to Samosir Island. We unfortunately, couldn’t fit it in our schedule because of time limitations.

  1. Traditionally brewed ginger

En route into Sipiso-Piso waterfall, cease by Simarjarunjung to get a cup of the signature warm ginger tea. Ginger tea has several health benefits, from enhancing digestion into strengthening immunity. Maybe not everybody’s cup of tea, but worth a beverage due to the numerous health benefits. Our whole lunch, such as an incredibly yummy mee Goreng, price us about S$5 each.

Before you plan a trip to Medan, be sure to read more about Medan and Indonesia by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.

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